Firewood delivery for Johannesburg

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Keep your wood pile neat and dry

Your firewood needs to be kept dry and free of animals making themselves at home between the logs.

And if you have had the opportunity to cut your own firewood you will know that it needs to dry out for a while so that it can burn efficiently. By lifting off the ground you are allowing a flow of air and preventing the wood from moulding.

A well built log rack will help you to keep you wood safe and dry. Build on yourself, it's a great way to fill an afternoon and you might even find yourself.

Essentially the rack must be as deep as the average log you will store, and as wide as you have space for. The height for your log rack is also up to you but a meter high is usually sufficient.

Follow the easy steps on and you will have a great firewood rack in no time.

If you are planning to use the rack outdoors it is advisable that you treat the wood.

This firewood rack is easy to make and will suit your needs but if you are feeling adventurous and know your way around a workshop you can create a firewood rack that will dazzle.

Now that you have built that storage soace, why not order a load of firewood and have it delivered to your door. We deliver firewood to most of Johannesburg, give us a call to see if we deliver in your area.





Website last updated on 8 March 2022.